CHANG Kang-Hua
本次參與者陳女 士,於民國44年出生在印尼山口洋市,民國77年與其丈夫、三子一女自印尼雅加達,移民至台灣的新竹湖口工業區。選擇遷居至該地的原因,主要是受訪者的親姐姐於民國70年代嫁至台灣,其配偶為湖口當地軍事基地之退役軍人,兩姐妹得以鄰近相互照顧,故為長期居住於該地的主要原因;另也因湖口工業區在同時期落成,造就大量以勞力密集取向的工作機會,讓華語、繁體中文字尚不熟稔的陳金妮及其一家人,得以在該地區安身立命卅餘年。拍攝地點為受訪者其公寓的頂樓天臺,被工廠大樓、軍事基地環抱的住宅區域,是受訪者花了半輩子居住的異鄉,也成了她(及其家人)的新故鄉。
Field Research: Shampoo Is Telling A Story is a research-based project initiated by artist Chang Kang-Hua. This project aims to discuss shampoo, the daily routine and extend related stories to people and communities.
The participant, Ms. Chen, was born in Singkawang, Indonesia, in 1955, and immigrated with her husband, three sons, and one daughter to the Hukou Industrial Zone in Hsinchu, Taiwan, from Jakarta, Indonesia, in 1988. Their reasons for immigrating to Hulou are Ms. Chen’s elder sister, who immigrated to Taiwan after her marriage in the 1970s, and her brother-in-law, who is a retired soldier living at the military base in Hukou. The two sisters wanted to be close and take care of each other, which is the family’s main reason for choosing to reside long term in the area. Another reason is that the Hukou Industrial Zone was completed around the same time, which created a large number of labor-intensive job opportunities. Such opportunities enabled Jing-Ni Chen and her family, who were unfamiliar with Chinese and traditional Chinese characters, to settle down in this area for more than 30 years.
The photoshoot location is the rooftop of the participant’s apartment. This residential area, surrounded by factory buildings and the military base, is not only a foreign land where the participant spent half of her life but also her (and her family’s) new hometown.
洗頭 #來自印尼的客家人