Samak Kosem

這個拍攝計畫呈現泰國LGBT長者的生活,他們生活在各種被邊緣的環境中,如同他們的身體和衝突的性取向,生活被窄化限縮。這系列的動態影像描繪兩位50 多歲和 70 多歲的跨性別女性,一位至今仍在與視力受損奮鬥,另一位則持續抵抗著這個仍舊依賴正常家庭制度且不顧老人與酷兒獨自生活的社會,並試圖靠自身存活下去。
Produced by Pakorn Rujiravilai
Commissioned by a.e.y.space
Passage of life is about embracing and letting go of all the value of being one’s authentic self and neutrality. As time passes, and people lose their ability to discriminate between genders as they get older, the question of why it is still vital to examine others’ genders will arise. This project illustrates the lives of LGBT elderly people in Thailand who are living as marginalised in a range of circumstances as their bodies and sexuality collide, narrowing their life horizons. This moving image series portrays two trans-women in their late 50s and 70s, and one who is still negotiating with becoming visually impaired, and the other is resisting how to survive on their own in a society that still depends on the normalised institution of family and disregards the elderly and queer to live solely. This project, entitled “yet the sea cries at night,” is commissioned by a.e.y.space in Songkla during an artist residency in 2021 to bring back the local life history for all matters.
Fondly Star
2021, 08:00 mins