WONG Xiang-Yi

黃向藝把絹本當作美男子的身體,沒有主流推崇的陽剛線條,質地薄透,視線內斂。汲取耽美文化(boys’ love)的男男元素和漫畫的分鏡,卻沒有單一線性的敘事;空間多重,畫面中美男子蜇居室內的行蹤若隱若現。耽美文化中,多是女性描繪、窺探美男子的身體,目光柔和不強佔。黃向藝透過留白、分鏡、造景所留下各種的空隙,引發觀者多重的遐思。黃向藝的耽美水墨,與其說迴避了主流的視線,不如說是創造了有別於父權視野的觀看模式。
Wong Xiang-Yi takes silk scrolls as the body of twink. The texture is thin; the sight is restrained, and there are no masculine lines that are admired in the mainstream aesthetics. Adapting the comic strips and the elements of same-sex desires in the genre of boys’ love without creating a single linear narrative. The twinks who stay indoors are looming through the multiple spaces. In boys’ love, it is mostly female artists as voyeurs who depict the twink’s body with their gentle and non-intrusive gaze. Wong Xiang-Yi creates various gaps via blanks, narration, and landscapes to arouse viewers’ multiple fantasies. Wong Xiang-Yi’s homoerotic ink paintings is not so much avoiding mainstream sight but rather creating a viewing mode different from the patriarchal perspective.
水墨、絹本/38 x 81cm、40 x 62cm、37.5 x 45cm